Limesh Verma, an Indian mobility and design student, has created nothing more than an "exploration" of form and "spontaneous ideation." This two-wheeler that takes inspiration from the Tron movies is simply a concept, therefore all we have are these pictures and no specifications.
You can notice the large arm that begins at the front and extends in front of the main body, wrapping the wheel in front of it. Then there is the entire suspension system; nothing similar like that is developed so far but we can just hope. If the right parts are ever developed, a bike like this would be a shocker.
The back of the bike looks like normal bikes that we currently have around the world. The integrated exhaust supports the idea that this is not an electric motorcycle. A dream for all petrol heads.
If anyone can make this concept a reality that would be Elon Must if he continues with his automotive revolution. But if he ever creates one, we think it would definitely be an electric one.
📷: Limesh Verma