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Harley-Davidson Blue Edition by Bucherer

Harley-Davidson Blue Edition by Bucherer - TheArsenale

What happens when you bring together one of the most exclusive watchmakers of Switzerland with one of the reigning motorcycle brands? The Blue Edition is born. Mixing American engineering and Swiss craftsmanship, they created the most expensive motorcycle ever; $1.79 million.


It took 2500 hours to complete the motorcycle, uniting forces from Bucherer and Bündnerbike in an 8-man team. They started with a Harley-Davidson Softail Slim S but the result is nothing like the original. The entire frame of the bike has been rebuilt and now features a sculpted engine "cage" that goes perfectly with the custom wheels. Many of the parts are gold plated such as the custom girder fork in the front. The engine is illuminated from the inside by heat-resistant LEDs and the camshaft is visible through a transparent panel. Instead of the old seat, a Swiss handmade one is used and the motorcycle is coated in a blue paint with six layers. 


But where does the Swiss watchmaker come to play? Glad you asked. On the right side of the tank, an exclusive watch by Carl Bucherer is placed inside a special container display. The watch is placed on a watch winder as well, so even if the motorcycle doesn't ride for a long time (we believe it won't) then the watch will still be accurate. On the left side, there is a 5.4 carat Dizzler ring placed in a similar container. To protect these jewels from the vibrations of the motorcycle, the containers are reinforced with silicone rings to dampen the shock. There are jewels and gold accents everywhere which sort of explain the seven digit price tag. 


While this is a quite capable motorcycle with an 1.8L V-twin engine, we doubt it will ever see the light of day in full freedom. It seems to be more of a garage queen than an asphalt muncher. 
