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Mario Trimarchi's Samotracia - Oxidized Trace

Mario Trimarchi's Samotracia - Oxidized Trace - TheArsenale

Italian designer and architect Mario Trimarchi decided to challenge his confines when approached by furniture manufacturer De Castelli. To differentiate themselves from the rest, De Castelli decided to surprise everyone during the Milan Design Week with a motorcycle.


With metalworking being a core part of their furniture making business for generations, De Castelli proved themselves outstanding outside of furniture making. Unlike tradtional motorcycles, Trimarchi decided to create a multifaceted body that refracts light like a well-cut gemstone. All of the bike's body is built out of copper, a material well known for its quick oxidative properties. 

Actually, this material choice was done on purpose. It's built to age over the years like a fine wine, developing the unique green hue often attributed to the Statue of Liberty. However, this is a long process that will take around 25 years to complete. These elements further reinforce the motorcycle's concept; a design object that explores time and speed. Trimarchi said that the obsession of time passing is what lead to him to creating this unique motorcycle. 
