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TheArsenale Interviews Bogarde Creator, Brice Moreau

TheArsenale Interviews Bogarde Creator, Brice Moreau - TheArsenale

The Bogarde BMX has seen a recent surge of success with its exclusive collaboration with haute-couture house of Dior. With the creative genius of Kris Van Assche behind it, Bogarde created a unique BMX with the Dior name on it. It's not the first time that Bogarde dips its toes into the fashion world. There also was a collaboration with Colette with it's iconic blue polka dot pattern. Shop our offerings for Bogarde bikes here. We interview the man behind Bogarde and what drove him to create such an iconic ride; Brice Moreau.

What is Bogarde in 2 words?

Bogarde is an homage to our greatest years, what we see when we look back at
our childhood. Our bikes are hybrids, a meeting point between the grown man we
are now and the kid we used to be. 

How did you start?

Bogarde was born with the idea to create a custom bike for myself. Back in 2013 I
was looking for a bike with attitude, nervous and fun to ride. I had one thought:
what is more stylish than my childhood BMX? I have so many memories of my
oldschool Diamondback with white skyway mags! This can not compete with any of the BMX on the market nowadays. But an oldschool ride was not the right option for me because of the difficulty to find old school parts here in France and my main problem was the size of the BMX, way to small for a tall guy. I decided to create my BMX, I used a great 3D software called BikeCAD  which clearly helped me a lot in coming up with the design. This is how we made the first prototype, 24’’wheels, 21’’top tube and old school frame geometry. At that time I dit not have the knowledge of manufacturing a bike from zero but I got some help and learnt. In the end I can say I got lucky to have met the right persons at the right time.

What is Bogarde's place in bike industry?

I have a lot of respect for historical bmx brand, riders, freestylers but we can not
compare Bogarde to any other bike brand Because we do everything our way. Our
approach is different because I come from the luxury and fashion industry. I know
how important is the product, the brand. We are not on a «sport» or «freestyle»
segment, Bogarde is something apart and this is what our clients are looking for. My idea for Bogarde was to work hard to create a unique product no matter what it cost us. I knew that with time the product would find its way, and this is what happened.

How does a 3 years old brand gets a collab with Dior?

In my opinion working with Dior is the result of a process. Step by step we have build up the brand, for exemple in 2016 we were collaborating with french store Colette on a customized bmx. The brand awareness got stronger and we got Adrian Ward Reese (Managing director Dior Homme) as client. This is how the idea found its way to Kris Van Assche office.

How was the relation?

It was a real pleasure to work with Dior and at the same time an big challenge
because they want excellence. We had many meetings and we explored lots of
creative possibilities in order to get a real «designer» bike and not just another
collab. Dior has really played the game, manufacturing some «sur mesure» pieces.
For exemple the grip ends are made in Italy in Dior factory. We feel very lucky to
work in such great conditions and the response to the collab was amazing, all bikes were sold in just a few days!

What about the future?

We are currently hardly working on the second version of the Dior Homme x
Bogarde BMX that should drop before summer. Bogarde range of models will
continue to expand, this is just the beginning!

bogarde bmx