Volvo Vera Autonomous Truck

Volvo Vera Autonomous Truck - TheArsenale

Volvo Trucks is now presenting a new transport solution consisting of autonomous electric commercial vehicles that can contribute to more efficient, safer and cleaner transportation.

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The Volvo Vera concept is intended to fit into the current logistics industry and to transport goods on repetitive routes over relatively short distances between fixed predetermined hubs. According to Volvo, the Vera is equipped with the same technology found in its 2018 electric trucks, her motors have a maximum power rating of nearly 500 horsepower and her battery capacity is up to 300 KWH with a reported max range of around 186 miles.

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It's not clear when the Vera will go into series production or become commercially available. Volvo didn't set a solid date for implementing the technology they say that there are still a lot of legislative and logistical issue to sort out with something like this but if it all works out, Volvo claims an autonomous trucking system using Vera would ideally be more efficient and able to cut down on the number of excess stock companies need to keep around. It would be amazing if we hear more about this amazing concept and let's hope Volvo starts putting some work and effort into this huge idea. 

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