Agility Robotics, renowned for its innovative robotic solutions, has accelerated its contribution to the field of robotics with the establishment of RoboFab, a state-of-the-art robot manufacturing facility in Salem, Oregon. This high-capacity facility is projected to manufacture over 10,000 humanoid robots annually, with an initial yearly production quantity committed to producing hundreds of robots. Beyond production, RoboFab is set to bring economic prosperity to the region, creating more than 500 career opportunities that will bolster the firm's existing sites.
The star of this manufacturing milestone is Digit, a charismatic, multi-tasking robot engineered to perform a variety of tasks safely and efficiently, essentially going where people go. The initial applications of Digit are slated to be in handling bulk material in warehouses and distribution centers. With the first wave of Digit robots expected to be ready for delivery in 2024, customers of the Agility Partner Program are poised for a revolutionary leap in their day-to-day operations.
Agility Robotics has made it clear that their goal extends beyond mere manufacturing of humanoid robots; they are set to transform the global workforce. Digit was meticulously crafted to address common workforce challenges like injuries, burnout, and labor gaps. Additionally, the mass production at RoboFab paves the way for a broader understanding and advancement of robotics. This factory is not merely a production hub, but a beacon fostering innovation while simultaneously providing high-skilled job opportunities.